toBytes method

Uint8List toBytes()

Serializes this BigInt to bytes (Uint8List). The serialized data is prefixed with the size of the bytes that contains the big-integer.


Uint8List toBytes() {
  if (bitLength > 32) {
    var latin1 = toString().encodeLatin1Bytes();

    var bs = Uint8List(4 + latin1.length);
    var byteData = bs.asByteData();

    byteData.setInt32(0, -latin1.length);
    bs.setAll(4, latin1);

    return bs;
  } else {
    var bs = Uint8List(1 + 4);
    bs[0] = 0;
    bs.asByteData().setInt32(1, toInt());
    return bs;