special library

Particular mathematical functions.


beta(num x, num y) double
Beta function based on the gamma function.
betacf_(num x, num a, num b) double
Evaluates the continued fraction for incomplete beta function by modified Lentz's method.
betaLn(num x, num y) double
Logarithm of the beta function based on the gammaLn function.
combination(num n, num k) double
Returns the combinations based on the gamma function.
combinationLn(num n, num k) double
Returns the logarithm of the combinations based on the gammaLn function.
erf(num x) double
Returns an approximation of the error function, for details see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Error_function.
erfc(num x) double
Returns the complementary error function.
erfcInv(num x) double
Returns the inverse complementary error function.
erfInv(num x) double
Returns the inverse error function.
factorial(num n) double
Returns the factorial based on the gamma function.
factorialLn(num n) double
Returns the logarithm of the factorial based on the gammaLn function.
gamma(num x) double
Returns an approximation of the gamma function, for details see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamma_function.
gammaLn(num x) double
Returns the natural logarithm of the gamma function.
gammap(num a, num x) double
gammapInv(num p, num a) double
ibeta(num x, num a, num b) double
Incomplete beta function.
ibetaInv(num p, num a, num b) double
Inverse of the incomplete beta function.
lowRegGamma(num a, num x) double
permutation(num n, num m) double
Returns the permutations based on the gamma function.
permutationLn(num n, num m) double
Returns the logarithm of the permutations based on the gammaLn function.