previousInterpolation function

UnaryFunction<double> previousInterpolation({
  1. required Vector<double> xs,
  2. required Vector<double> ys,
  3. double left = double.nan,

A function providing the previous value of a discrete monotonically increasing set of sample points xs and ys. Returns left if there is no previous sample point.


UnaryFunction<double> previousInterpolation({
  required Vector<double> xs,
  required Vector<double> ys,
  double left = double.nan,
}) {
      xs: xs, ys: ys, min: 1, ordered: true, unique: true);
  return (double x) {
    if (x < xs.getUnchecked(0)) {
      return left;
    } else if (xs.getUnchecked(xs.count - 1) < x) {
      return ys.getUnchecked(ys.count - 1);
    } else {
      return ys.getUnchecked(DataType.float.comparator
              .binarySearchRight(xs, x)
              .clamp(1, xs.count) -