integrate function

double integrate(
  1. UnaryFunction<double> function,
  2. double a,
  3. double b, {
  4. int depth = 6,
  5. double epsilon = 1e-6,
  6. Iterable<double> poles = const [],
  7. void onWarning(
    1. IntegrateWarning type,
    2. double x

Returns the numerical integration of the provided function from a to b, that is the result of int(f(x), dx=a..b).

epsilon is the maximum error tolerance to be accepted. depth is the maximum recursion depth, a warning is raised if it is too shallow.

poles is a list of points at which the function should not be evaluated. The integration is automatically split over the generated intervals: [a..p_1, p_1..p_2, ... p_n, b].

In case of an integration problem, onWarning is evaluated with the IntegrateWarning and the x position. The default implementation throws an IntegrateError exception, but a custom handler can continue the evaluation.


double integrate(
  UnaryFunction<double> function,
  double a,
  double b, {
  int depth = 6,
  double epsilon = 1e-6,
  Iterable<double> poles = const [],
  void Function(IntegrateWarning type, double x)? onWarning,
}) {
  onWarning ??= (type, x) => throw IntegrateError._(type, x);
  // Validate boundary condition.
  if (a.isNaN) {
    throw ArgumentError.value(a, 'a', 'Invalid lower bound');
  } else if (b.isNaN) {
    throw ArgumentError.value(b, 'b', 'Invalid upper bound');
  } else if (a > b) {
    return -integrate(function, b, a,
        depth: depth, epsilon: epsilon, poles: poles, onWarning: onWarning);
  } else if (a == b) {
    return 0.0;
  // Break up at the poles and merge with bounds, if necessary.
  if (poles.isNotEmpty) {
    final normalized =
        poles.where((pole) => a <= pole && pole <= b).toSet().toList();
    if (normalized.isNotEmpty) {
      final expanded = normalized
          .expand((pole) => [pole - epsilon, pole + epsilon])
          .toList(growable: true);
      a < expanded.first ? expanded.insert(0, a) : expanded.removeAt(0);
      expanded.last < b ? expanded.add(b) : expanded.removeLast();
      var result = 0.0;
      for (var i = 0; i < expanded.length; i += 2) {
        result += integrate(function, expanded[i], expanded[i + 1],
            depth: depth, epsilon: epsilon, onWarning: onWarning);
      return result;
  // Deal with infinite bounds:
  if (a == double.negativeInfinity && b == double.infinity) {
    return integrate(function, a, 0,
            depth: depth, epsilon: epsilon, onWarning: onWarning) +
        integrate(function, 0, b,
            depth: depth, epsilon: epsilon, onWarning: onWarning);
  } else if (a == double.negativeInfinity) {
    return integrate((t) {
      final omt = 1.0 - t, t2 = t * t;
      return function(b - omt / t) / t2;
    }, epsilon, 1, depth: depth, epsilon: epsilon, onWarning: onWarning);
  } else if (b == double.infinity) {
    return integrate((t) {
      final omt = 1.0 - t, t2 = t * t;
      return function(a + omt / t) / t2;
    }, epsilon, 1, depth: depth, epsilon: epsilon, onWarning: onWarning);
  // Solve the actual integral:
  var result = 0.0;
  final queue = QueueList.from([
        function, depth, epsilon, a, function(a), b, function(b))
  while (queue.isNotEmpty) {
    final full = queue.removeLast();
    final left = _Quadrature.simpson(function, full.depth - 1,
        full.epsilon / 2.0, full.a, full.fa, full.m,;
    final right = _Quadrature.simpson(
        function, left.depth, left.epsilon, full.m,, full.b, full.fb);
    if (left.epsilon == full.epsilon || left.a == left.m) {
      onWarning(IntegrateWarning.doesNotConverge, full.m);
      result += full.w;
    if (full.depth <= 0) {
      onWarning(IntegrateWarning.depthTooShallow, full.m);
    final delta = left.w + right.w - full.w;
    if (full.depth <= 0 || delta.abs() <= 15 * full.epsilon) {
      result += left.w + right.w + delta / 15;
    } else {
  return result;