MulPolynomialExtension<T> extension



mul(Object other, {DataType<T>? dataType, PolynomialFormat? format, bool? fftMultiply}) Polynomial<T>
Multiplies this Polynomial with other.
mulPolynomial(Polynomial<T> other, {DataType<T>? dataType, PolynomialFormat? format, bool? fftMultiply}) Polynomial<T>
Multiplies this Polynomial with a Polynomial.
mulScalar(T other, {DataType<T>? dataType, PolynomialFormat? format}) Polynomial<T>
Multiplies this Polynomial with a scalar.
mulScalarEq(T other) Polynomial<T>
In-place multiplies this Polynomial with a scalar.


operator *(Object other) Polynomial<T>
Multiplies this Polynomial with other.