Tensor<T>.filled constructor

  1. T value, {
  2. List<int>? shape,
  3. List<int>? strides,
  4. DataType<T>? type,

Constructs a Tensor filled with value.

By default a 0-dimensional tensor with the single value is returned. If a shape is provided all tensor entries are filled with that value.


factory Tensor.filled(T value,
    {List<int>? shape, List<int>? strides, DataType<T>? type}) {
  final type_ = type ?? DataType.fromInstance(value);
  final layout_ = Layout(shape: shape, strides: strides);
  final data_ = type_.newList(layout_.length, fillValue: value);
  return Tensor.internal(type: type_, layout: layout_, data: data_);