Matrix<T>.fromColumns constructor

  1. DataType<T> dataType,
  2. List<List<T>> source, {
  3. MatrixFormat? format,

Constructs a matrix from a nested list of columns.

If format is specified, source is copied into a mutable matrix of the selected format; otherwise a view onto the possibly mutable source is provided.


factory Matrix.fromColumns(DataType<T> dataType, List<List<T>> source,
    {MatrixFormat? format}) {
  final rowCount = source.isEmpty ? 0 : source[0].length;
  final columnCount = source.length;
  if (!source.every((column) => column.length == rowCount)) {
    throw ArgumentError.value(
        source, 'source', 'All columns must be equally sized.');
  final result =
      NestedColumnMatrix.fromList(dataType, rowCount, columnCount, source);
  return format == null ? result : result.toMatrix(format: format);