steps property

List<Step> get steps

Series of operation that needs to be performed for a command finish its task.

Supported Step Examples: MatchDocumentStep, WorkspaceQueryStep, PromptQueryStep, AppendToChatStep, ReplaceCodeStep, ContinueDecisionStep

While creating the series of steps, you may need to pass output of one or more past steps to a new step. You can achieve this my simply passing the DashOutput defined in the scope of Command and used as a object that will store the of the past steps.

This is better demonstrated by the below example:

// Outputs
final matchingDocuments = MatchDocumentObject();
final matchingCode = MultiCodeObject();
final queryOutput = QueryOutput();

List<Step> get steps => [
  query: '$userQuery$codeAttachment',
  dataSources: [],
  output: matchingDocuments),
WorkspaceQueryStep(query: '$matchingDocuments', output: matchingCode),
       '''You are an X agent. Here is the $userQuery, here is the $matchingCode and the document references: $matchingDocuments. Answer the user's query.''',
   postProcessKind: PostProcessKind.raw,
  output: queryOutput),
   'This was your query: $userQuery and here is your output: $queryOutput'),


List<Step> get steps;