darwin library


This is an encoding of a phenotype's fitness. In simple cases, you can just use SingleObjectiveResult, which is just a single double, essentially.
Generation<P extends Phenotype<G, R>, G, R extends FitnessResult>
A collection of Phenotypes that breed to create another, better Generation.
GenerationBreeder<P extends Phenotype<G, R>, G, R extends FitnessResult>
GeneticAlgorithm<P extends Phenotype<G, R>, G, R extends FitnessResult>
Phenotype<G, R extends FitnessResult>
A phenotype (also called chromosome or genotype) is one particular solution to the problem (equation). The solution is encoded in genes.
PhenotypeEvaluator<P extends Phenotype<G, R>, G, R extends FitnessResult>
PhenotypeSerialEvaluator<P extends Phenotype<G, R>, G, R extends FitnessResult>
For use when multiple experiments should be done with each phenotype.
A subclass of FitnessResult that is just a single value (of type double).


FitnessResultCombinator<T extends FitnessResult> = T Function(T a, T b)
A way to combine results.
PrintFunction = void Function(Object o)