byFullUrl method

MatchRules byFullUrl({
  1. bool preserveQueryOrder = false,

Enforces that both requests have the same full URL.

If preserveQueryOrder is true, the order of the query parameters must match as well. If preserveQueryOrder is false, the order of the query parameters is ignored.

MatchRules rules = MatchRules().byFullUrl();


MatchRules byFullUrl({bool preserveQueryOrder = false}) {
  _by((Request received, Request recorded) {
    if (preserveQueryOrder) {
      return received.uri.toString() == recorded.uri.toString();
    } else {
      if (received.uri.path != recorded.uri.path) {
        return false;
      Map<String, String> receivedQuery = received.uri.queryParameters;
      Map<String, String> recordedQuery = recorded.uri.queryParameters;
      if (receivedQuery.length != recordedQuery.length) {
        return false;
      for (String key in receivedQuery.keys) {
        if (!recordedQuery.containsKey(key)) {
          return false;
        if (receivedQuery[key] != recordedQuery[key]) {
          return false;
      return true;
  return this;