
Application to watch files changes and restart dart script.

Demo image


With dart pub

You can use it like a global application

dart pub global activate darttrack
# or
flutter pub global activate darttrack

From source

Also you can compile application from source

# Clone sources
git clone https://github.com/paveltretyakovru/darttrack.git
cd darttrack

# Compile it to executable file
dart compile exe bin/darttrack.dart -o build/darttrack

# Moving exe file to bin (you can move it to any PATH bin folder)
# /usr/bin/ - work example, but need sudo access to move
sudo mv build/darttrack /usr/bin/


Run dart script and restart it (yourscript.dart) when folder (lib) changed

Usage variants of the case:

darttrack ./lib ./bin/yourscript.dart
darttrack --watch ./lib ./bin/yourscript.dart
darttrack --watch ./lib --script ./bin/yourscript.dart
darttrack ./lib --script ./bin/yourscript.dart

Run custom command and restart it (echo test) when folder (lib) changed

Usage variants of the case:

darttrack ./lib --exec "dart test"
darttrack --watch ./lib --exec "dart test"


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