script property

SVScript? script

Returns the number of satoshis this input is spending. Sets the number of satoshis this input is spending.

NOTE: A transaction input must spend all the satoshis from a UTXO; change TransactionOutputs must be generated as needed, and the difference between satoshis "consumed" by and input and those "locked" by the spending transaction's outputs goes to the miner as a fee reward. Returns the scriptSig (Input Script / Unlocking Script)


// BigInt get satoshis => _spendingAmount == null ? : _spendingAmount!;

/// Sets the number of satoshis this input is spending.
/// *NOTE:* A transaction input *must* spend all the satoshis from a UTXO;
/// change [TransactionOutput]s must be generated as needed, and the difference
/// between satoshis "consumed" by and input and those "locked" by the
/// spending transaction's outputs goes to the miner as a fee reward.
// set satoshis(BigInt value) {
//     _spendingAmount = value;
// }

/// Returns the scriptSig (Input Script / Unlocking Script)
SVScript? get script => _unlockingScriptBuilder?.getScriptSig();
void script=(SVScript? script)

Set the script that represents the parent transaction's output (UTXO)


set script(SVScript? script) {
    if (script == null) {