verify method

void verify()


void verify() {
  // Basic checks that don't depend on any context
  if (_txnInputs.isEmpty) {
    throw VerificationException('transaction txins empty');

  if (_txnOutputs.isEmpty) {
    throw VerificationException('transaction txouts empty');

  // Check for negative or overflow output values
  var valueoutbn =;
  var ndx = 0;
  for (var txout in _txnOutputs) {
    if (txout.invalidSatoshis()) {
      throw VerificationException('transaction txout $ndx satoshis is invalid');
    if (txout.satoshis > Transaction.MAX_MONEY) {
      throw VerificationException('transaction txout ${ndx} greater than MAX_MONEY');
    valueoutbn = valueoutbn + txout.satoshis;
    if (valueoutbn > Transaction.MAX_MONEY) {
      throw VerificationException('transaction txout ${ndx} total output greater than MAX_MONEY');

  // Size limits
  if (serialize().length > MAX_BLOCK_SIZE) {
    throw VerificationException('transaction over the maximum block size');

  // Check for duplicate inputs
  var txinmap = {};
  for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
    var txin = inputs[i];

    var inputid = txin.prevTxnId + ':' + txin.prevTxnOutputIndex.toString();
    if (txinmap[inputid] != null) {
      throw VerificationException('transaction input ' + i.toString() + ' duplicate input');
    txinmap[inputid] = true;

  if (isCoinbase()) {
    var script = inputs[0].script ??= SVScript();
    var buf = script.buffer;
    if (buf.length < 2 || buf.length > 100) {
      throw VerificationException('coinbase transaction script size invalid');
  } else {
    for (TransactionInput input in inputs) {
      if (input == null || input.isCoinBase()) {
        throw VerificationException("transaction input has null input");