run method

Future<Uint8List> run(
  1. String command, {
  2. bool runInPty = false,
  3. bool stdout = true,
  4. bool stderr = true,
  5. Map<String, String>? environment,

Execute command on the remote side non-interactively. Returns a Future<String?> that completes with the output of the command. This is a convenience method over execute. If stdout is false, the standard output of the command will be ignored. If stderr is false, the standard error of the command will be ignored.


Future<Uint8List> run(
  String command, {
  bool runInPty = false,
  bool stdout = true,
  bool stderr = true,
  Map<String, String>? environment,
}) async {
  final session = await execute(
    pty: runInPty ? const SSHPtyConfig() : null,
    environment: environment,

  final result = BytesBuilder(copy: false);
  final stdoutDone = Completer<void>();
  final stderrDone = Completer<void>();

    stdout ? result.add : (_) {},
    onDone: stdoutDone.complete,
    onError: stderrDone.completeError,

    stderr ? result.add : (_) {},
    onDone: stderrDone.complete,
    onError: stderrDone.completeError,

  await stdoutDone.future;
  await stderrDone.future;

  return result.takeBytes();