pyConvertDynamic function

PyObjAllocated<NativeType> pyConvertDynamic(
  1. Object? o

Converts a Dart object to the python equivalent

The caller of this function takes ownership of the python object and must call Py_DecRef after they are done with it.


PyObjAllocated pyConvertDynamic(Object? o) {
  if (o == null) {
    return PyObjAllocated.noAllocation(dartpyc.Py_None);
  } else if (o is bool) {
    if (o) {
      return PyObjAllocated.noAllocation(dartpyc.Py_True);
    } else {
      return PyObjAllocated.noAllocation(dartpyc.Py_False);
  } else if (o is int) {
    return PyObjAllocated.noAllocation(o.asPyInt);
  } else if (o is double) {
    return PyObjAllocated.noAllocation(o.asPyFloat);
  } else if (o is String) {
    return o.asPyBytes();
  } else if (o is List) {
    throw UnimplementedError();
  } else if (o is Map) {
    throw UnimplementedError();
  throw UnimplementedError();