control_flow library

Adding control flow methods for writing more readable code.




Also on T
also can be used for performing actions that need the current value as an argument. It returns the current value.
ElseIf on T?
Let on T
let can be used to invoke one or more functions on results of call chains.
OrElse on T?
TakeIf on T?
takeIf returns the current value if the given block is satisifed, will return null if not.
TakeUnless on T?
takeUnless returns the current value if the given block is not satisifed, will return null if it is.


iff<T>(bool statement, T branch()) → T?
The iff method can be used as a normal if statement, or as an expression, i.e. it returns a value.
isIn<T>(Iterable<T> list) → _WhenCheck
Allows for checking if a when value is in a list.
isNotIn<T>(Iterable<T> list) → _WhenCheck
Allows for checking if a when value is not in a list.
isNotType<V>() → _WhenCheck
Allows for checking if a when value is not of a certain type.
isType<V>() → _WhenCheck
Allows for checking if a when value is of a certain type.
tryy<T>(T branch(), {List<On> catches = const []}) → T?
The tryy method can be used as a normal try-catch block, or as an expression, i.e. it returns a value.
when<T, V>(T value, Map<T, V Function()> branches) → V?
when defines a conditional expression with multiple branches.