parseInvocation function

List<TaskInvocation> parseInvocation(
  1. List<String> tasksInvocation,
  2. Map<String, TaskWithDeps> taskMap,
  3. Options options

Parse the tasks invocation provided by the user.

Assumes all Dartle CLI options have been "consumed" already, and are not included in the tasksInvocation.


List<TaskInvocation> parseInvocation(List<String> tasksInvocation,
    Map<String, TaskWithDeps> taskMap, Options options) {
  final invocations = <TaskInvocation>[];
  TaskWithDeps? currentTask;
  var followsTask = false;
  final errors = <String>[];
  var currentArgs = <String>[];

  void addCurrentInvocation() {
    if (currentTask != null) {
      final isValid = currentTask.argsValidator.validate(currentArgs);
      if (isValid) {
        invocations.add(TaskInvocation(currentTask, currentArgs));
      } else {
        errors.add("Invalid arguments for task '${}': "
            '$currentArgs - ${currentTask.argsValidator.helpMessage()}');

  for (var word in tasksInvocation) {
    if (word.startsWith(taskArgumentPrefix)) {
      if (currentTask != null) {
      } else if (!followsTask) {
        errors.add("Argument should follow a task: '$word'");
    } else {
      followsTask = true;
      final task = _findTaskByName(taskMap, word);
      if (task == null) {
        errors.add("Task '$word' does not exist");
      } else {
        currentTask = task;
        currentArgs = <String>[];


  if (errors.isNotEmpty) {
    if (options.showInfoOnly) {
      for (var err in errors) {
    } else {
      final message = errors.length > 1
          ? 'Several invocation problems found:\n'
              '${ => '  * $err').join('\n')}'
          : 'Invocation problem: ${errors[0]}';
      throw DartleException(message: message);

  return invocations;