execRead function

Future<ExecReadResult> execRead(
  1. Future<Process> process, {
  2. String name = '',
  3. bool stdoutFilter(
    1. String
    ) = filterNothing,
  4. bool stderrFilter(
    1. String
    ) = filterNothing,
  5. bool isCodeSuccessful(
    1. int
    ) = _onlyZero,

Executes the given process, returning its output streams line-by-line.

This method is similar to exec, but simplifying the process of reading the process output into Lists.

The returned object contains the process stdout and stderr outputs as Lists<String> where each item is a line of output.

Output lines may be filtered out by providing stdoutFilter or stderrFilter (the filter must return true to keep a line, or false to exclude it).

This method throws ProcessExitCodeException in case the process' exit code is not considered successful by isCodeSuccessful, or ProcessException in case the process could not be executed at all.


Future<ExecReadResult> execRead(Future<Process> process,
    {String name = '',
    bool Function(String) stdoutFilter = filterNothing,
    bool Function(String) stderrFilter = filterNothing,
    bool Function(int) isCodeSuccessful = _onlyZero}) async {
  final stdout = StdStreamConsumer(keepLines: true, filter: stdoutFilter);
  final stderr = StdStreamConsumer(keepLines: true, filter: stderrFilter);
  final code = await _exec(await process, name, stdout, stderr);
  final result = ExecReadResult(code, stdout.lines, stderr.lines);
  if (isCodeSuccessful(code)) {
    return result;
  throw ProcessExitCodeException(code, name, stdout.lines, stderr.lines);