writeBinary method

Future<File> writeBinary(
  1. Stream<List<int>> stream, {
  2. bool makeExecutable = false,

Write a binary stream to a file.

Creates the parent directory if necessary.

If makeExecutable is set to true, this method attempts to make this File executable. This currently only works on Linux and MacOS.


Future<File> writeBinary(
  Stream<List<int>> stream, {
  bool makeExecutable = false,
}) async {
  await parent.create(recursive: true);
  final handle = openWrite();
  try {
    await handle.addStream(stream);
    await handle.flush();
  } finally {
    await handle.close();
  if (makeExecutable && (Platform.isLinux || Platform.isMacOS)) {
    final exitCode = await execProc(
        Process.start('chmod', ['+x', path], runInShell: true));
    if (exitCode != 0) {
      throw DartleException(message: 'Unable to make file $path executable');
  return this;