clean method
Clean the Dartle cache.
If the key is empty, then the cache is cleaned completely, otherwise only entries associated with the key are removed.
Future<void> clean({String key = ''}) async {
if (key.isEmpty) {
logger.fine('Cleaning Dartle cache');
await ignoreExceptions(
() => Directory(_tasksDir).delete(recursive: true));
await ignoreExceptions(
() => Directory(_hashesDir).delete(recursive: true));
logger.finest('Dartle cache has been cleaned');
} else {
logger.fine(() => 'Cleaning Dartle cache (key=$key)');
final dir = Directory(path.join(_hashesDir, _encodeKey(key)));
await ignoreExceptions(() => dir.delete(recursive: true));
logger.finest(() => 'Dartle cache has been cleaned (key=$key)');