Dartive class


Dartive(HttpRequest req)


boundary String?
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
ip String?
no setter
isForm bool
no setter
isGet bool
no setter
isPost bool
no setter
isXForm bool
no setter
jsons Map
getter/setter pair
method String
no setter
pathQuery String
no setter
port int?
no setter
queryParameters Map<String, String>
no setter
req HttpRequest
getter/setter pair
reqHeaders Map<String, String>
getter/setter pair
reqLength int
getter/setter pair
request ↔ dynamic
getter/setter pair
res HttpResponse
no setter
resLength int
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
stream Stream<List<int>>
no setter
time Duration
getter/setter pair
type ContentType?
no setter
uri Uri
no setter


callable(dynamic call) Future<Object>
user can extend this method
close() Future<void>
handle() Future<void>
has<T>(Object key, [Object? val]) bool
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
parseForms() Stream<Map>?
example {name: foo, val: Instance of '_MimeMultipart'}
parseJson() Future<Map>
parsePost() Future<void>
post parser
parseUrls() Future<Map>
parseXForms([bool ignoreFile = true]) Future<Map?>
example a=b&c=d
tojson() Future<Map<String, dynamic>>
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
write(Object input) Future<void>
writeToStr(String input) → void


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

autoKey String
getter/setter pair
isParsePost bool
getter/setter pair
logger ↔ dynamic Function([dynamic, dynamic])
user can customize this function for db or any file to output the log message
getter/setter pair
reqLimit int
getter/setter pair
resHeaders Map<String, String>
no setter
routeMap Map<String, dynamic>
getter/setter pair
version String
getter/setter pair

Static Methods

auto(dynamic pattern, dynamic func) → void
delete(dynamic pattern, dynamic func) → void
error(dynamic s) Map
get(dynamic pattern, dynamic func) → void
isError(dynamic o) bool
isSuccess(dynamic o) bool
json(dynamic input) String
listen({int port = 4040, String host = '', dynamic onStart, dynamic onComplete}) Future<StreamSubscription<HttpRequest>>
match(String method, Uri uri) Object
matcher(dynamic func(Uri)) Object
option(dynamic pattern, dynamic func) → void
post(dynamic pattern, dynamic func) → void
put(dynamic pattern, dynamic func) → void
route(String method, dynamic pattern, dynamic func) → void
register route to routeMap
spawnIsolate(FutureOr<void> entryPoint(SendPort sendPort)) Future<Isolate>
success(dynamic s, {dynamic msg = 'success'}) Map