Functions Framework Tool package for Dart: dartfn

This package is intended to support tools for working with Functions Framework projects.

In this early iteration, a CLI tool (dartfn) is provided with a generate command for scaffolding new projects into an empty directory. Three initial generator templates are available:

  • helloworld - a basic HTTP handler function
  • json - a simple function handler that accepts and sends JSON
  • cloudevent - a simple cloudevent function handler

To install the dartfn tool on your machine, run the following command:

dart pub global activate dartfn

Run dartfn without any arguments to confirm it is installed.

dartfn is a tool for managing Dart Functions-as-a-Service (FaaS) projects.

Usage: dartfn <command> [arguments]

Global options:
-h, --help    Print this usage information.

Available commands:
  generate   Generate a project to get started.
  version    Print the current version.

Run "dartfn help <command>" for more information about a command.

List available generators

dartfn generate --list


Available generators:
cloudevent - A sample Functions Framework project for handling a cloudevent.
helloworld - A sample "Hello, World!" Functions Framework project.
json       - A sample Functions Framework project for handling JSON.

If you want the generator list as JSON, use the hidden --machine flag:

dartfn generate --machine


[{"name":"cloudevent","label":"Dart Package","description":"A sample Functions Framework project for handling a cloudevent.","categories":["dart"],"entrypoint":"bin/server.dart"},{"name":"helloworld","label":"Dart Package","description":"A sample \"Hello, World!\" Functions Framework project.","categories":["dart"],"entrypoint":"bin/server.dart"},{"name":"json","label":"Dart Package","description":"A sample Functions Framework project for handling JSON.","categories":["dart"],"entrypoint":"bin/server.dart"}]

Run a generator

mkdir demo
cd demo
dartfn generate helloworld


project: demo
Creating helloworld application `ex`:
8 files written.

--> to provision required packages, run 'pub get'
dartfn version


Google Functions Framework for Dart CLI (dartfn) version: 0.3.1

If a newer version is available, the command will inform you. Example:

dartfn version

Output (hypothetical update available)

Google Functions Framework for Dart CLI (dartfn) version: 0.3.1
Version 0.3.2 is available! To update to this version, run: `pub global activate dartfn`.

If you just want the version number, use the -s or --short option:

dartfn version --short

