printDirectoryTree function
- String path, {
- dynamic indent = '',
- bool isLast = true,
- String? separatorColor,
- String? fileColor,
- String? folderColor,
- bool withHiddenDirectories = false,
- bool withHiddenFiles = true,
Future<void> printDirectoryTree(
String path, {
indent = '',
bool isLast = true,
String? separatorColor,
String? fileColor,
String? folderColor,
bool withHiddenDirectories = false,
bool withHiddenFiles = true,
}) async {
final directory = Directory(path);
if (await directoryExists(path)) {
// Print the root directory itself with the custom folder color
final name = path.split(Platform.pathSeparator).last;
print('$indent${isLast ? '└── ' : '├── '}$folderColor$name\x1B[0m/');
// List all entities in the directory
final entities = await directory.list().toList();
// Separate files and directories
final files = entities.whereType<File>().toList();
final dirs = entities.whereType<Directory>().toList();
if (!withHiddenDirectories) {
(d) => d.path.split(Platform.pathSeparator).last.startsWith('.'));
if (!withHiddenFiles) {
(f) => f.path.split(Platform.pathSeparator).last.startsWith('.'));
// First, print files with the custom file color
for (var file in files) {
final fileName = file.uri.pathSegments.last;
print('$indent └── $fileColor$fileName\x1B[0m');
// Then, print directories (recurse into them) with the custom folder color
for (int i = 0; i < dirs.length; i++) {
final dir = dirs[i];
// Calculate the next indent level and whether it's the last directory
final nextIndent = '$indent${isLast ? ' ' : '│ '}';
final isLastDir = i == dirs.length - 1;
// Recurse into subdirectories
await printDirectoryTree(
indent: nextIndent,
isLast: isLastDir,
separatorColor: separatorColor,
fileColor: fileColor,
folderColor: folderColor,
} else {
throw DirectoryDoesntExist(path: path);