textToAscii static method

Future<String> textToAscii(
  1. String text, {
  2. AsciiFont font = AsciiFont.slant,
  3. String? customFontPath,
  4. String beforeEachLine = '',
  5. ConsoleColor? color,

Convert text to Ascii art with customizable fonts. Custom fonts must be a .flf file.


static Future<String> textToAscii(
  String text, {
  AsciiFont font = AsciiFont.slant,
  String? customFontPath,
  String beforeEachLine = '',
  ConsoleColor? color,
}) async {
  File? file;
  if (customFontPath != null) {
    file = File(
  } else {
    final fontFileUri = await font.path;
    if (fontFileUri != null) {
      file = File.fromUri(fontFileUri);
  String? fileText = await file?.readAsString();

  if (fileText == null) {
    throw "ASCII art font file parsing failed, make sure the path is correct..";
  String artText = art.renderFiglet(text, art.Font.text(fileText));
  // Split the art into lines
  final lines = artText.split('\n');
  // Prepend the character to each line
  final updatedLines = lines
      .map((line) =>
          '$beforeEachLine${line.withColor(color ?? ConsoleColor.grey)}')
  // Join the updated lines back into a single string
  artText = updatedLines.join('\n');
  return '$artText\n$beforeEachLine';