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is a powerful and developer-friendly Dart package for building feature-rich, structured command-line interfaces (CLI). It simplifies the process of creating command trees, parsing arguments and flags, and handling input validation with a focus on developer experience and ease of use.
You can see how to implement your next big idea using darted_cli through This Blog Post.
Table of Contents
- Command Tree Validation: Ensures commands follow the hierarchy and validates parent-child relationships.
- Argument Parsing: Supports named and multi-option arguments with default values.
- Flag Parsing: Handles boolean flags and their negations (e.g.,
). - Call Stack Management: Tracks commands, arguments, and flags in execution order.
- Error Handling: Provides descriptive errors for invalid commands, arguments, or flags.
- Help and Version Flags: Built-in support for
flags. - Console Management: Display formatted output with colors and styles.
- Extensibility: Easily add custom commands, arguments, and flags.
- Customizable Responses: Define custom error messages for invalid inputs.
- Interactive CLI: Generate dynamic help text for commands.
- Developer-Friendly: Focused on ease of use with minimal boilerplate.
Add the following to your pubspec.yaml
darted_cli: [latest_version]
Then, run:
dart pub get
1. Define your Commands
Define your CLI commands using a tree structure:
final List<DartedCommand> commandsTree = [
// Give the command a name..
name: 'create',
// Give it a helper description.. (optional)
helperDescription: "This will create something..",
// Give it the allowed arguments..
arguments: [
// --name [something] & -n [something] are now allowed and will be availbale in your callback if the user input it!
// If the user didn't input the argument, you will get the default value..
DartedArgument(name: 'name', abbreviation: 'n', defaultValue: 'new_flutter_project', isMultiOption: false),
// You also have the option to allow an argument to have multible options, with input validation based on the accepted options YOU enter!
DartedArgument(name: 'platforms', abbreviation: 'p', acceptedMultiOptionValues: 'android,ios,web', isMultiOption: true, optionsSeparator: ','),
// Now, give it the flags allowed for this specific command, You can allow it to be negated too! (--no-flag)
flags: [
// Provided flag template for the --help/-h flag, it's automatically captured and you can customize it's output!
// Oh, and you can also allow flags to be applied by default even if they are not passed in..
DartedFlag(name: 'package', abbreviation: 'pa', canBeNegated: false, appliedByDefault: true),
DartedFlag(name: 'solo', abbreviation: 's', canBeNegated: true, appliedByDefault: false),
// And finally, give your command a callback based on the arguments and flags you get. It can't get any easier!
callback: (arguments, flags) => ConsoleHelper.write(
'${'This command is ' 'create'.withColor(ConsoleColor.green)} I have the arguments: $arguments, and the flags: $flags',
subCommands: [
DartedCommand(name: 'a_sub_command',
helperDescription: "A sub command for create..",
callback: (arguments, flags) {
// With the console helper you could:
// - Get an user input?
promptBuilder: (def, secToTimeout) => 'Give me your name!');
// - Confirm an user's action?
prompt: 'Are you absolutely sure??',
acceptedAffirmatives: ['Yea']);
// - Execute a command?
ConsoleHelper.executeCommand('flutter doctor -v');
// - Load a task interactively?
task: 'doing something...',
process: () async =>
await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 4)));
// - **NEW in 0.1.11** Prompt the user to select an option interactively?
List<int> theGottenChoices = ConsoleHelper.chooseOption(
'Choose an option',
['Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3'],
isMultiSelect: true,
unselectedIndicator: "[]",
selectedIndicator: "[x]",
selectionIndicator: "->",
ConsoleHelper.write('Got the choices: $theGottenChoices');
DartedCommand(name: 'another_command', callback: (arguments, flags) {}, helperDescription: "Another top level command...")
2. Extend your callback powers with our helpers!
Console Helper
// Get the user's input (with default value and time-out support!)
ConsoleHelper.getUserInput(promptBuilder: (defValue, timeout) => 'enter something...');
// Write out to the console
ConsoleHelper.write("Here's an output!...");
// That's just the easy stuff!
I/O Helper
// All the basic stuff! Creating, deleting, reading, and writing to files and directories.
// Some more exciting things? Here you go..
// List all files in here?
// Find all the files with a custom RegExp pattern and get all their pathes?
// Search all the files in a directory for a specific keyword? Ignore hidded files? exclude some files? All There!
IOHelper.files.search('lib',RegExp(r'someWord'), exclude: [main.dart], ignoreHidden: true);
// Replacing the keyword, renaming, moving, and more, Just check the docs!
Some more stuff we're too modest to mention?
- Loading YAML files and quick parsing?
- ASCII artwork support to get those pretty prints?
- In-console loading animations for those step-by-step tasks?
- ? ( Leave feature request or contribute!)
3. Execute it
Create a main entry point:
import 'package:darted_cli/darted_cli.dart';
void main(List<String> input) async => await dartedEntry(
input: input,
commandsTree: commandsTree,
// The main entry command when someone types in [your_package]
customEntryHelper: (tree) async {
return await AsciiArtModule.textToAscii('DARTED', beforeEachLine: "| ");
// Available commands, arguments, and flags to process.
customVersionResponse: () => "when i get -v, here's a response!",
// Oh yeah, the console helper has colors, background colors, and text modifiers!
customHelpResponse: () => 'custom response for the -h flag?'
So when the user enters
dart run my_package create --name project_name -p android,ios
You get:
Command: create
Arguments: { name: project_name, platforms: [android, ios] }
Flags: { package: true, solo: false }
Now, Done building your 1-billion dollar CLI Tool?
Run the script in your terminal
dart run [your_package] create --name my_project -flag --no-flag
Or upload it so we all get to take a look!
Developer Experience
darted_cli is designed with developers in mind, offering:
- Ease of Use: Focus on defining your command logic instead of boilerplate code.
- Minimal Setup: Get started quickly with built-in argument and flag parsing.
- Customizability: Tailor commands, error messages, and output to suit your needs.
- Interactive Debugging: Test your command hierarchy with detailed validation output.
- Scalable Design: Add commands, subcommands, and features without breaking existing functionality.
Why Choose darted_cli?
- Save Time: No need to reimplement parsing logic or validation checks.
- Focus on Logic: Concentrate on the functionality of your CLI application.
- Reliable Framework: Built to handle both simple and complex CLI needs.
Featurs and Requests
Adding custom Ascii art fonts.x
Adding Command Execution functionality.x
Adding Prompt to choose an option.
Licensed under the MIT License. You are free to use, modify, and distribute this package.