Callable mixin

Any callable ElementType will mix-in this class, whether anonymous or not, unless it is an alias reference.

Superclass constraints
Mixin applications


canHaveParameters bool
no setterinherited
definingCommentReferable → CommentReferable
For testing / comparison only, get the comment referable from where this ElementType was defined. Override where an Element is available.
no setterinherited
fullyQualifiedName String
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
href String?
no setterinherited
instantiatedType → DartType
no setterinherited
isPublic bool
no setterinherited
isTypedef bool
no setterinherited
library Library
linkedName String
no setteroverride
modelBuilder → ModelObjectBuilder
Override implementations in unit tests to avoid requiring literal ModelElements.
name String
no setterinherited
namePart String
Utility getter/cache for _MarkdownCommentReference._getResultsForClass.
namePieces Set<String>
nameWithGenerics String
Name with generics and nullability indication.
no setterinherited
nullabilitySuffix String
Return a dartdoc nullability suffix for this type.
no setterinherited
packageGraph PackageGraph
parameters List<Parameter>
no setter
referenceChildren Map<String, CommentReferable>
Map of referenceName to the elements that are a member of this, but not this model element itself. Can be cached.
no setterinherited
referenceGrandparentOverrides Iterable<CommentReferable>?
Replace the parents of parents. referenceBy ignores whatever might otherwise be implied by the referenceParents of referenceParents, replacing them with this.
no setterinherited
referenceName String
no setterinherited
referenceParents Iterable<CommentReferable>
Iterable of immediate "parents" to try resolving component parts. referenceBy stops at the first parent where a part is found. Can be cached.
no setterinherited
returnedFrom ElementType?
returnType ElementType
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
scope → Scope?
For any CommentReferable where an analyzer Scope exists (or can be constructed), implement this. This will take priority over lookups via referenceChildren. Can be cached.
no setterinherited
type → FunctionType
no setteroverride
typeArguments Iterable<ElementType>
no setterinherited


childLookups(List<String> reference) Iterable<ReferenceChildrenLookup>
A list of lookups that should be attempted on children based on reference. This allows us to deal with libraries that may have separators in them. referenceBy stops at the first one found.
isBoundSupertypeTo(ElementType t) bool
isSubtypeOf(ElementType t) bool
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
referenceBy(List<String> reference, {required bool filter(CommentReferable?), required bool allowTree(CommentReferable?), bool tryParents = true, Iterable<CommentReferable>? parentOverrides}) → CommentReferable?
Look up a comment reference by its component parts.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.