VLVResponseControl.fromASN1 constructor

  1. ASN1OctetString s


VLVResponseControl.fromASN1(ASN1OctetString s) {
  var bytes = s.encodedBytes;
  // hack The octet string is actually a sequence. Not
  // sure why ldap does this. Consider moving this to
  // asn1 library.    octetString.unwrapSequence();
  bytes[0] = SEQUENCE_TYPE;
  var seq = ASN1Sequence.fromBytes(bytes);
  clogger.finest('Create control from $s  seq=$seq');

  var x = (seq.elements.first as ASN1Sequence);

  // todo: confirm order of response
  for (var e in x.elements) {
    clogger.finest(' ${e.runtimeType}  $e');
  targetPosition = (x.elements[0] as ASN1Integer).intValue;
  contentCount = (x.elements[1] as ASN1Integer).intValue;
  extraParam = (x.elements[2] as ASN1Integer).intValue;