cornerSubPixAsync function

Future<VecPoint2f> cornerSubPixAsync(
  1. InputArray image,
  2. VecPoint2f corners,
  3. (int, int) winSize,
  4. (int, int) zeroZone, [
  5. (int, int, double) criteria = (TERM_COUNT + TERM_EPS, 30, 1e-4),

CornerSubPix Refines the corner locations. The function iterates to find the sub-pixel accurate location of corners or radial saddle points.

For further details, please see: https:///


Future<VecPoint2f> cornerSubPixAsync(
  InputArray image,
  VecPoint2f corners,
  (int, int) winSize,
  (int, int) zeroZone, [
  (int, int, double) criteria = (TERM_COUNT + TERM_EPS, 30, 1e-4),
]) {
  final size = winSize.cvd;
  final zone = zeroZone.cvd;
  final c = criteria.toTermCriteria();
  return cvRunAsync0(
    (callback) => cimgproc.cv_cornerSubPix(image.ref, corners.ref, size.ref, zone.ref, c.ref, callback),
    (c) {
      return c.complete(corners);