scaleFactor property

double get scaleFactor


double get scaleFactor => ccontrib.cv_wechat_qrcode_WeChatQRCode_getScaleFactor(ref);
set scaleFactor (double scaleFactor)

set scale factor QR code detector use neural network to detect QR. Before running the neural network, the input image is pre-processed by scaling. By default, the input image is scaled to an image with an area of 160000 pixels. The scale factor allows to use custom scale the input image: width = scaleFactorwidth height = scaleFactorwidth

scaleFactor valuse must be > 0 and <= 1, otherwise the scaleFactor value is set to -1 and use default scaled to an image with an area of 160000 pixels.


set scaleFactor(double scaleFactor) =>
    ccontrib.cv_wechat_qrcode_WeChatQRCode_setScaleFactor(ref, scaleFactor);