Fisheye class
→ int
The hash code for this object.
no setter inherited
→ Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setter inherited
noSuchMethod (Invocation invocation )
→ dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString ()
→ String
A string representation of this object.
Static Methods
calibrate (VecMat objectPoints , VecMat imagePoints , Size imageSize , InputOutputArray K , InputOutputArray D , {VecMat ? rvecs , VecMat ? tvecs , int flags = 0 , TermCriteria ? criteria })
→ (double , VecMat , VecMat )
Performs camera calibration.
calibrateAsync (VecMat objectPoints , VecMat imagePoints , Size imageSize , InputOutputArray K , InputOutputArray D , {VecMat ? rvecs , VecMat ? tvecs , int flags = 0 , TermCriteria ? criteria })
→ Future <(double , VecMat , VecMat ) >
async version of calibrate
distortPoints (InputArray undistorted , InputArray K , InputArray D , {InputOutputArray ? Kundistorted , OutputArray ? distorted , double alpha = 0 })
→ Mat
Distorts 2D points using fisheye model.
distortPointsAsync (InputArray undistorted , InputArray K , InputArray D , {InputOutputArray ? Kundistorted , OutputArray ? distorted , double alpha = 0 })
→ Future <Mat >
async version of distortPoints
estimateNewCameraMatrixForUndistortRectify (InputArray K , InputArray D , (int , int ) imageSize , InputArray R , {OutputArray ? P , double balance = 0.0 , (int , int ) newSize = (0, 0) , double fovScale = 1.0 })
→ Mat
EstimateNewCameraMatrixForUndistortRectify estimates new camera matrix for undistortion or rectification.
estimateNewCameraMatrixForUndistortRectifyAsync (InputArray K , InputArray D , (int , int ) imageSize , InputArray R , {OutputArray ? P , double balance = 0.0 , (int , int ) newSize = (0, 0) , double fovScale = 1.0 })
→ Future <Mat >
async version of estimateNewCameraMatrixForUndistortRectify
initUndistortRectifyMap (InputArray K , InputArray D , InputArray R , InputArray P , Size size , int m1type , {OutputArray ? map1 , OutputArray ? map2 })
→ (Mat , Mat )
Computes undistortion and rectification maps for image transform by remap. If D is empty zero distortion is used, if R or P is empty identity matrixes are used.
initUndistortRectifyMapAsync (InputArray K , InputArray D , InputArray R , InputArray P , Size size , int m1type , {OutputArray ? map1 , OutputArray ? map2 })
→ Future <(Mat , Mat ) >
async version of initUndistortRectifyMap
projectPoints (InputArray objectPoints , InputArray rvec , InputArray tvec , InputArray K , InputArray D , {OutputArray ? imagePoints , double alpha = 0 , OutputArray ? jacobian })
→ (Mat , Mat )
Projects points using fisheye model.
projectPointsAsync (InputArray objectPoints , InputArray rvec , InputArray tvec , InputArray K , InputArray D , {OutputArray ? imagePoints , double alpha = 0 , OutputArray ? jacobian })
→ Future <(Mat , Mat ) >
async version of projectPoints
solvePnP (InputArray objectPoints , InputArray imagePoints , InputArray cameraMatrix , InputArray distCoeffs , {OutputArray ? rvec , OutputArray ? tvec , bool useExtrinsicGuess = false , int flags = SOLVEPNP_ITERATIVE , TermCriteria ? criteria })
→ (bool , Mat , Mat )
Finds an object pose from 3D-2D point correspondences for fisheye camera moodel.
solvePnPAsync (InputArray objectPoints , InputArray imagePoints , InputArray cameraMatrix , InputArray distCoeffs , {OutputArray ? rvec , OutputArray ? tvec , bool useExtrinsicGuess = false , int flags = SOLVEPNP_ITERATIVE , TermCriteria ? criteria })
→ Future <(bool , Mat , Mat ) >
async version of solvePnP
undistortImage (InputArray distorted , InputArray K , InputArray D , {OutputArray ? undistorted , InputArray ? knew , (int , int ) newSize = (0, 0) })
→ Mat
void distortPoints (InputArray undistorted, InputArray Kundistorted, InputArray K, InputArray D, OutputArray distorted, double alpha=0)
undistortImageAsync (InputArray distorted , InputArray K , InputArray D , {OutputArray ? undistorted , InputArray ? knew , (int , int ) newSize = (0, 0) })
→ Future <Mat >
async version of undistortImage
undistortPoints (InputArray distorted , InputArray K , InputArray D , {OutputArray ? undistorted , InputArray ? R , InputArray ? P })
→ Mat
FisheyeUndistortPoints transforms points to compensate for fisheye lens distortion
undistortPointsAsync (InputArray distorted , InputArray K , InputArray D , {OutputArray ? undistorted , InputArray ? R , InputArray ? P })
→ Future <Mat >
async version of undistortPoints