login method
Authenticates the Client at the discord gateway and listens for any event
void login(String token) async {
// TODO: Pass through discord gateway intent code instead of setting a default
const int intents = 3276799;
(var msg) {
Map<String, dynamic> decodedMessage = jsonDecode(msg);
int opCode = decodedMessage["op"];
switch (opCode) {
case 0:
String type = decodedMessage["t"].toString();
_handleEvent(type, decodedMessage);
case 10:
int heartbeatInterval = decodedMessage["d"]["heartbeat_interval"];
// Send a heartbeat to the gateway every [heartbeatInterval]
// milliseconds to keep the connection alive
Timer.periodic(Duration(milliseconds: heartbeatInterval),
(Timer timer) {
"op": 1,
"d": null,
// Authenticate the user to the discord API
Map<String, dynamic> authenticationMessage = {
"op": 2,
"d": {
"token": config.botToken,
"intents": intents,
"properties": {
"\$os": Platform.operatingSystem,
"\$browser": "dartcord",
"\$device": "dartcord"
"presence": {"status": "online", "activities": [], "afk": false}
onDone: () {},
onError: (var err) {
// TODO: Handle errors
print("[CLIENT] ERROR: $err");
cancelOnError: true,