CoreResourceDirectoryConfiguration constructor

  1. Uri baseUrl, {
  2. DiscoveryType discoveryType = DiscoveryType.thing,
  3. String coreLinkFormatPath = "/.well-known/core",

Instantiates a new CoreResourceDirectoryConfiguration object.

The baseUrl can either be a unicast or – when using a multicast-capable protocol such as CoAP – a multicast Uri. The default URI path used for discovering lookup interfaces of CoRE Resource Directories is the standardized URI path /.well-known/core (see RFC 6690, section 4).

By default, the discovery process used with this configuration will try to obtain Thing Descriptions for Things, as indicated by the discoveryType.


  Uri baseUrl, {
  super.discoveryType = DiscoveryType.thing,
  String coreLinkFormatPath = "/.well-known/core",
}) : uri = baseUrl.replace(
        path: coreLinkFormatPath,
        queryParameters: {
          "rt": "core.rd-lookup-res",