FileServing constructor

const FileServing(
  1. List<FolderHost> _folders, {
  2. bool allowServingSubFolders = false,
  3. bool allowViewingEntityPath = false,


const FileServing(
  this._folders, {
  bool allowServingSubFolders = false,

  /// if true the user can view the whole content of a sub folder
  /// /folder_alias/sub-folder  , this will return the whole sub-children of that sub-folder
  /// if false this will return null, so the user can only ask for a file either it was direct child of the folder_alias or a sub file
  bool allowViewingEntityPath = false,
})  : _allowServingSubFolders = allowServingSubFolders,
      _allowViewingEntityPath = allowViewingEntityPath