jsonParser function
Data? jsonParser({
required Parser parser,
required Data parentData,
required Map<String, Object> allData,
required bool debug,
}) {
printLog("----------------------------------", debug, color: LogColor.yellow);
printLog("ID: ${parser.id} Parser: JSON", debug, color: LogColor.cyan);
if (parser.selector.isEmpty) {
printLog("No Selector! Decoding JSON...", debug, color: LogColor.cyan);
Object? json = getJsonObject(parentData, debug);
if (json != null) {
printLog("Returning decoded JSON...", debug, color: LogColor.green);
return Data(parentData.url, json);
printLog("Failed to decode JSON!", debug, color: LogColor.orange);
return null;
Object? json = getJsonObject(parentData, debug);
if (json == null) {
"Unable to find JSON!",
color: LogColor.green,
return null;
for (final s in parser.selector) {
printLog("JSON Selector: $s", debug, color: LogColor.cyan);
String selector;
if (s.contains("<slot>")) {
selector = inject("slot", allData, s);
"JSON Selector Modified: $selector",
color: LogColor.green,
} else {
selector = s;
JsonPath? jsonPath;
if (selector.contains("key(@)")) {
JsonPathParser parser = JsonPathParser(functions: [const Key()]);
jsonPath = parser.parse(selector);
jsonPath ??= JsonPath(selector);
Iterable<Object?> data = jsonPath.readValues(json);
if (parser.multiple) {
if (data.isNotEmpty) {
if (data.first is List) {
return Data(parentData.url, data.first as List);
} else {
return Data(parentData.url, data.toList());
} else {
if (data.isNotEmpty) {
Object? first = data.first;
if (first != null) {
return Data(parentData.url, first);
"JSON Parser: No data found!",
color: LogColor.orange,
return null;