DartEthereum extension

This extension provides Dart methods around the raw Ethereum JavaScript object.

Extensions include request to turn request promises into Dart futures or on to turn JavaScript event handlers into convenient Dart streams. To use the raw ethereum client in a high-level Web3Client, use asRpcService.



chainChanged Stream<int>
A broadcast stream emitting values when the selected chain is changed by the user.
no setter


asRpcService() RpcService
Turns this raw client into an rpc client that can be used to create a Web3Client:
rawRequest(String method, {Object? params}) Future
Sends a raw rpc request using the injected Ethereum client.
requestAccount() Future<CredentialsWithKnownAddress>
Asks the user to select an account and give your application access to it.
requestAllAccounts() Future<List<String>>
Asks the user for permission and retrieves all accounts that the user has authorized.
stream(String eventName) Stream
Creates a stream of raw ethereum events.