transfer method

Future<String> transfer(
  1. EthereumAddress recipient,
  2. BigInt amount, {
  3. required Credentials credentials,
  4. Transaction? transaction,

Moves amount tokens from the caller's account to recipient. Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. Emits a Transfer event.

The optional transaction parameter can be used to override parameters like the gas price, nonce and max gas. The data and to fields will be set by the contract.


Future<String> transfer(_i1.EthereumAddress recipient, BigInt amount,
    {required _i1.Credentials credentials,
    _i1.Transaction? transaction}) async {
  final function = self.abi.functions[4];
  assert(checkSignature(function, 'a9059cbb'));
  final params = [recipient, amount];
  return write(credentials, transaction, function, params);