AuthSettings constructor

const AuthSettings({
  1. required JWTKey jwtSecretKey,
  2. String collectionName = DefaultAuthSettings.collectionName,
  3. bool allowDuplicateEmails = DefaultAuthSettings.allowDuplicateEmails,
  4. Duration authExpireAfter = DefaultAuthSettings.authExpireAfter,
  5. String authUpdatesCollName = DefaultAuthSettings.authUpdatesCollName,
  6. JWTAlgorithm jwtAlgorithm = JWTAlgorithm.HS256,

this will define how many times user can login while there is another active jwt to be used to prevent so many creations of jwts this will restrict the usage of your endpoints on some apps that will provide app id in all request headers on the format headerKey = appid, and with value of the app id


/// this will restrict the usage of your endpoints on some apps
/// that will provide app id in all request headers
/// on the format headerKey = appid, and with value of the app id

const AuthSettings({
  required this.jwtSecretKey,
  this.collectionName = DefaultAuthSettings.collectionName,
  this.allowDuplicateEmails = DefaultAuthSettings.allowDuplicateEmails,
  this.authExpireAfter = DefaultAuthSettings.authExpireAfter,
  this.authUpdatesCollName = DefaultAuthSettings.authUpdatesCollName,
  this.jwtAlgorithm = JWTAlgorithm.HS256,