set method

DocRefMemory set(
  1. Map<String, dynamic> newDoc


DocRefMemory set(
  Map<String, dynamic> newDoc,
) {
  String collId =;
  // create the doc parent collection if not exist
  if (_memoryDb[collId] == null) {
    _memoryDb[collId] = [];
  // get the old data if not exist create one
  int index =
      _memoryDb[collId]!.indexWhere((element) => element[] == _id);

  // insert new one if the old one doesn't exist
  if (index == -1) {
    newDoc[] = newDoc[] ?? _id;
    return _collRef.insertDoc(newDoc);
  // or just remove the old one and set the new one
  // the id of a doc can't be changed
  var oldDoc = _memoryDb[collId]![index];
  String docId = oldDoc[];
  newDoc[] = docId;
  // get the old doc index in the collection
  _memoryDb[collId]![index] = newDoc;
  var newDocRef = DocRefMemory(_id, _collRef, _memoryDb);
  return newDocRef;