loginWithJWT method

Future<String?> loginWithJWT(
  1. String jwt

if the jwt is valid and allowed then it will return user id else null


Future<String?> loginWithJWT(String jwt) async {
  // verify the jwt isn't manipulated
  var res = JWT.tryVerify(jwt, authDbProvider.app.authSettings.jwtSecretKey);
  if (res == null) {
    return null;
  // get the data from the jwt
  JWTPayloadModel model = JWTPayloadModel.fromJson(res.payload);

  // check for the jwt in the allowed jwt tokens and active
  bool jwtIsActive = await authDbProvider.checkIfJwtIsActive(model);
  if (!jwtIsActive) {
    throw PasswordChangedException();
  // check for the user id if it is a valid user
  AuthModel? authModel = await authDbProvider.getUserByEmail(model.email);
  if (authModel == null) {
    return null;
  // then allow the user to continue
  return authModel.id;