changePassword method

  1. @override
Future<void> changePassword(
  1. String id, {
  2. required String oldPassword,
  3. required String newPassword,
  4. bool doLogoutFromAllDevices = true,


Future<void> changePassword(
  String id, {
  required String oldPassword,
  required String newPassword,

  /// this will prevent others from using the same jwt to log in after the password gets changed
  bool doLogoutFromAllDevices = true,
}) async {
  //? if old password is the same as new password
  if (oldPassword == newPassword) {
    throw Exception('oldPassword must be different from newPassword');
  //? checking for the user password if it's right
  AuthModel? authModel = await getUserById(id);
  if (authModel == null) {
    throw NoUserRegisteredException();
  bool rightPassword =
  if (!rightPassword) {
    throw InvalidPassword();
  // if reached here this means that the user email and password are right
  // the user doesn't need to be logged in to do this

  // //? checking if i need to log out from all other devices
  if (doLogoutFromAllDevices) {
    await logoutFromAllDevices(;
    await updateAuthInfo(,
  //? changing the password
  String passwordHash = SecurePassword(newPassword).getPasswordHash();
  var collection =
  var selector = where.eq(, id);

  var updateQuery = modify.set(ModelFields.passwordHash, passwordHash);
  var res = await collection.updateOne(selector, updateQuery);
  if (res.failure) {
    throw Exception('can\'t edit the password');