SessionSetRequestParam class abstract

Implemented types
Mixed-in types


altSpeedDown num?
Max global download speed (KBps)
no setteroverride
altSpeedEnabled bool?
Indicates whether alternative speeds are enabled
no setteroverride
altSpeedTimeBegin num?
Time to begin alternative speeds (units: minutes after midnight)
no setteroverride
altSpeedTimeDay num?
Day(s) to turn on alternative speeds (look at tr_sched_day)
no setteroverride
altSpeedTimeEnabled bool?
Indicates whether alternative speeds time is enabled
no setteroverride
altSpeedTimeEnd num?
Time to end alternative speeds (units: same)
no setteroverride
altSpeedUp num?
Max global upload speed (KBps)
no setteroverride
blocklistEnabled bool?
Indicates whether the blocklist is enabled
no setteroverride
blocklistUrl String?
Location of the blocklist to use for blocklist-update
no setteroverride
cacheSizeMb num?
Maximum size of the disk cache (MB)
no setteroverride
defaultTrackers String?
Announce URLs, one per line, and a blank line between tiers
no setteroverride
dhtEnabled bool?
Indicates whether DHT is enabled in public torrents
no setteroverride
downloadDir String?
Default path to download torrents
no setteroverride
downloadDirFreeSpace num?
DEPRECATED: Use freeSpace method instead.
no setteroverride
downloadQueueEnabled bool?
Indicates if limiting how many torrents can be downloaded at once is enabled
no setteroverride
downloadQueueSize num?
Max number of torrents to download at once (see downloadQueueEnabled)
no setteroverride
encryption String?
Specifies the encryption method (required, preferred, tolerated)
no setteroverride
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
idleSeedingLimit num?
Torrents we're seeding will be stopped if they're idle for this long
no setteroverride
idleSeedingLimitEnabled bool?
Indicates if the seeding inactivity limit is honored by default
no setteroverride
incompleteDir String?
Path for incomplete torrents, when enabled
no setteroverride
incompleteDirEnabled bool?
Indicates whether incomplete directory is enabled
no setteroverride
lpdEnabled bool?
Indicates whether Local Peer Discovery in public torrents is enabled
no setteroverride
peerLimitGlobal num?
Maximum global number of peers
no setteroverride
peerLimitPerTorrent num?
Maximum global number of peers per torrent
no setteroverride
peerPort num?
Port number
no setteroverride
peerPortRandomOnStart bool?
Indicates whether to pick a random peer port on launch
no setteroverride
pexEnabled bool?
Indicates whether Peer Exchange (PEX) in public torrents is enabled
no setteroverride
portForwardingEnabled bool?
Indicates whether UPnP or NAT-PMP is enabled to forward peer ports
no setteroverride
queueStalledEnabled bool?
Indicates whether idle torrents are considered as stalled
no setteroverride
queueStalledMinutes num?
Torrents that are idle for N minutes aren't counted toward seed-queue-size or download-queue-size
no setteroverride
renamePartialFiles bool?
Indicates whether to append .part to incomplete files
no setteroverride
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
scriptTorrentAddedEnabled bool?
Indicates whether to call the added script
no setteroverride
scriptTorrentAddedFilename String?
Filename of the script to run when a torrent is added
no setteroverride
scriptTorrentDoneEnabled bool?
Indicates whether to call the done script
no setteroverride
scriptTorrentDoneFilename String?
Filename of the script to run when a torrent is done
no setteroverride
scriptTorrentDoneSeedingEnabled bool?
Indicates whether to call the seeding-done script
no setteroverride
scriptTorrentDoneSeedingFilename String?
Filename of the script to run when seeding is done
no setteroverride
seedQueueEnabled bool?
Indicates if limiting how many torrents can be uploaded at once is enabled
no setteroverride
seedQueueSize num?
Max number of torrents to upload at once (see seedQueueEnabled)
no setteroverride
seedRatioLimit num?
The default seed ratio for torrents to use
no setteroverride
seedRatioLimited bool?
Indicates if seedRatioLimit is honored by default
no setteroverride
speedLimitDown num?
Max global download speed (KBps)
no setteroverride
speedLimitDownEnabled bool?
Indicates whether download speed limit is enabled
no setteroverride
speedLimitUp num?
Max global upload speed (KBps)
no setteroverride
speedLimitUpEnabled bool?
Indicates whether upload speed limit is enabled
no setteroverride
startAddedTorrents bool?
Indicates whether added torrents will be started right away
no setteroverride
trashOriginalTorrentFiles bool?
Indicates whether the .torrent file of added torrents will be deleted
no setteroverride
utpEnabled bool?
Indicates whether UDP Transport Protocol (UTP) is enabled
no setteroverride


check() String?
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toRpcJson() JsonMap
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.