torrentRenamePath abstract method

Future<TorrentRenamePathResponse> torrentRenamePath(
  1. TorrentRenamePathArgs args, {
  2. RpcTag? tag,
  3. int? timeout,

Renaming a torrent's path. more info see: torrent-rename-path

e.g. a torrent struct:

  - checksum
  - linux.iso


final args = TorrentRenamePathArgs(
  id: TorrentId(id: 1),
  oldPath: "linux",
  newName: "foo",
await torrentSetLocation(args);

will rename linux folder as foo, new torrent path struct:

foo # origin name `linux`
  - checksum
  - linux.iso


final args = TorrentRenamePathArgs(
  id: TorrentId(id: 1),
  oldPath: "linux/checksum",
  newName: "foo",
await torrentSetLocation(args);

will rename checksum file as foo, new torrent path struct:

  - foo # origin name `checksum`
  - linux.iso

call torrentGet again if wat to update torrent's files and name;


Future<TorrentRenamePathResponse> torrentRenamePath(
    TorrentRenamePathArgs args,
    {RpcTag? tag,
    int? timeout});