ObservableX<T> extension

ObservableX is an extension on Observable that adds common used operators like map, where, etc.



cast<R>() Observable<R>
Mapping source Observable<T> to Observable<R> by casting each item as R.
distinct([Equals<T>? equals]) Observable<T>
Mirror an Observable and emit only those items that changed (meaning item is distinct from previous emitted one).
distinctMap<R>(R convert(T), {Equals<R>? equals}) Observable<R>
DistinctMap is composition of Map and Distinct.
map<R>(R convert(T)) Observable<R>
Transform the items emitted by an Observable by applying a function to each item.
multicast({Subject<T> createSubject()?}) Observable<T>
Multicast observable make multiple observers share single source subscription.
multicastReplay(int bufferSize) Observable<T>
Multicast replay observable make multiple observers share single source subscription.
skip(int n) Observable<T>
Suppress the first n items emitted by an Observable.
where(bool test(T)) Observable<T>
Emit only those items from an Observable that pass a predicate test.