
Resend made easy! 💎

A Dart package for interacting with the Resend API. It provides a set of utilities and models to facilitate integration with Resend's powerful email capabilities.

pub package License

Developed with 💙 and maintained by scial.app

"Buy Me A Coffee"

Supported features


Feature Available
Send Email :white_check_mark:
Retrieve Email :white_check_mark:
Send Batch Emails :white_check_mark:


Feature Available
Add Domain :white_check_mark:
Retrieve Domain :white_check_mark:
Verify Domain :white_check_mark:
Update Domain :white_check_mark:
List Domains :white_check_mark:
Delete Domain :white_check_mark:

API Keys

Feature Available
Create API key :white_check_mark:
List API keys :white_check_mark:
Delete API key :white_check_mark:


Feature Available
Add Audience :white_check_mark:
Retrieve Audience :white_check_mark:
Delete Audience :white_check_mark:
List Audiences :white_check_mark:


Feature Available
Add Contact :white_check_mark:
Retrieve Contact :white_check_mark:
Update Contact :white_check_mark:
Delete Contact :white_check_mark:
List Contacts :white_check_mark:

Quick Start 🚀

Installation 🧑‍💻

In the dependencies section of your pubspec.yaml, add the following line:

  dart_resend: <latest_version>

Usage 👽

Import the package:

import 'package:dart_resend/dart_resend.dart';

Create an instance:

late final ResendClient resend;

void main() async {
    final Resend result = Resend.initialize(apiKey: '...');
    resend = result.client;

Make use of one of the many methods provided by this package e.g.:

final ResendResult<ResendSendEmailResponse> response = await resend.email
        from: 'scial Developer <dev@scial.app>',
        to: <String>['fleeser@scial.app', 'sroepges@scial.app'],
        subject: 'Check out this package',
        text: 'WOW! This package is awesome!');

    onSuccess: (ResendSendEmailResponse data) => print('E-Mail sent!'),
    onFailure: (ResendError? error, String? message) =>
        print('Error occured.'));

Contribution 💙

Always open for contribution! Contributors will be listed here.

