PostgisDb class

A postgis database.

@author Andrea Antonello (


PostgisDb(String _host, String _dbName, {int port = 5432, String? user, String? pwd})


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
jdbcUrl String
getter/setter pair
pgVersion String
getter/setter pair
port int
getter/setter pair
pwd String?
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
user String?
getter/setter pair
version String
no setter


addGeometryXYColumnAndIndex(TableName tableName, String geomColName, String geomType, String epsg) Future<void>
canHandleStyle() Future<bool>
checkStyleTable() Future<bool>
close() Future<void>
createSpatialIndex(TableName tableName, String geometryName) Future<void>
Create a spatial index
execute(String sql, {List? arguments, bool getLastInsertId = false}) Future<int?>
Execute a insert, update or delete using sql in normal or prepared mode using arguments.
geometryToSql(Geometry geom) → dynamic
getGeometriesIn(TableName tableName, {Envelope? envelope, Geometry? intersectionGeometry, List<String?>? prePostWhere, int limit = -1, String? userDataField}) Future<List<Geometry>>
Get the geometries of a table inside a given envelope.
getGeometryColumnNameAndSridForTable(TableName tableName) Future<List?>
getGeometryColumnsForTable(TableName tableName) Future<GeometryColumn?>
getGeometryTables() Future<List<String>>
Get the names of the geometry tables.
getPrimaryKey(TableName tableName) Future<String?>
getSld(TableName tableName) Future<String?>
Get the SLD xml for a given table.
getSpatialindexBBoxWherePiece(TableName tableName, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) Future<String?>
getSpatialindexGeometryWherePiece(TableName tableName, Geometry geometry) Future<String?>
getTableBounds(TableName tableName) → Envelope
getTableColumns(TableName tableName) Future<List<List>>
Get the tableName columns as array of name, type, isPrimaryKey, notnull.
getTableData(TableName tableName, {Envelope? envelope, Geometry? geometry, String? where, int? limit}) Future<FeatureCollection>
getTables(bool doOrder) Future<List<TableName>>
hasTable(TableName tableName) Future<bool>
isOpen() bool
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
open({Function? populateFunction, int timeoutInSeconds = 30, int queryTimeoutInSeconds = 30, String timeZone = 'UTC', bool useSSL = false, bool isUnixSocket = false, bool allowClearTextPassword = false}) Future<bool>
select(String sql) Future<QueryResult?>
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
transaction(Function transactionOperations) Future
updateMap(TableName table, Map<String, dynamic> values, String where) Future<int?>
Update a new record using a map and a where condition.
updateSld(TableName tableName, String sldString) Future<void>
Update the sld string in the geopackage


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


HM_STYLES_TABLE → const String