waitReady method

void waitReady({
  1. int timeout = pn532StandardTimeout,


void waitReady({int timeout = pn532StandardTimeout}) {
  int attemptCount = 0;

  final int timeStart = DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch;
  sleep(const Duration(milliseconds: 10));

  bool pn532IsReady = pn532ReadyFunction(attemptCount);
  while (!pn532IsReady) {
    // this sleep is extremly important! (when we don't use the irqPin)
    // without you read the pn532 to often which curses to many interrupts
    // on the pn532 board which results in to little execution time for the
    // actual command/firmware on the pn532 which ends up in only getting
    // PN532TimeoutException because the pn532 can't process the actual command
    // (this can be avoided by only using the IRQ pin!)
    if (!useIrq) {
      sleep(const Duration(milliseconds: 20));

    final int timeDelta = DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch - timeStart;
    if (timeDelta >= timeout) {
      throw PN532TimeoutException(timeout: timeout);

    pn532IsReady = pn532ReadyFunction(attemptCount);