readWriteHelper method

List<int> readWriteHelper(
  1. List<int> message


List<int> readWriteHelper(List<int> message) {
  // pull the chipSelect low to start communication
  if (chipSelectGpio != null) {
    sleep(const Duration(microseconds: 1));

  // reverse bytes (since MSB and LSB differences)
  final List<int> reversedMessage = reverseUint8List(message);

  // transfer the message and read equally big response
  final List<int> reversedResponse = spi.transfer(reversedMessage, false);

  // get the actual response data
  final List<int> response = reverseUint8List(reversedResponse);

  // pull the chipSelect high to stop communication
  if (chipSelectGpio != null) {
    sleep(const Duration(microseconds: 1));

  return response;