PN532SpiImpl constructor

  1. int? resetPin,
  2. int? irqPin,
  3. int? chipSelectPin,
  4. int spiBus = 0,
  5. int spiChip = 0,

The spiBus and spiChip corresponds to /dev/spidev[spiBus].[spiChip].

The connection are the following: The SCK/SCLK of PN532 must be connected to SCK/SCLK of the Pi. The MOSI of PN532 must be connected to MOSI of the Pi. The MISO of PN532 must be connected to MISO of the Pi. The SS/NSS of PN532 must be connected to CE0 or the one specifed in chipSelectPin.

The irqPin and the resetPin are both optional! OPTIONAL: The IRQ of PN532 should be connected to a GPIO pin of your choice (default: 16) of the Pi. OPTIONAL: The RSTPDN of PN532 should be connected to a GPIO pin of your choice (default: 12) of the Pi. For the IRQ, RSTPDN and chipSelectPin pin you can choose any GPIO pin of the pi just be aware that it seems like that the used dart package dart_periphery can't open all GPIOs (like in my test GPIO09) - then just use a different one.

Also be sure that the irqPin is properly connected since the interrupt works the way that the irqPin uses low to activate - means that if it isn't properly connect the driver doesn't wait for the PN532 to be ready for a response and you get kind of cryptic responses like PN532BadResponseException just because of the wrongly connected irqPin.

Also be aware that the RSTPDN pin is NOT the RSTO Pin!


  int? resetPin,
  int? irqPin,
  int? chipSelectPin,
  int spiBus = 0,
  int spiChip = 0,
})  : chipSelectGpio = chipSelectPin == null
          ? null
          : GPIO(chipSelectPin, GPIOdirection.gpioDirIn),
      spi = SPI(spiBus, spiChip, SPImode.mode0, 500000),
      super(resetPin: resetPin, irqPin: irqPin) {