getPassivTargetId method

List<int> getPassivTargetId({
  1. int cardBaudrate = pn532MifareIso14443A,
  2. int timeout = pn532StandardTimeout,

Before you read MiFare-Cards you should call the setSamConfiguration function to configure the PN532 properly!


List<int> getPassivTargetId(
    {int cardBaudrate = pn532MifareIso14443A,
    int timeout = pn532StandardTimeout}) {
  // Send passive read command for 1 card.  Expect at most a 7 byte UUID.
  List<int> parameters = [0x01, cardBaudrate];
  List<int> response = callPN532Function(pn532CommandInListPassiveTarget,
      parameters: parameters, responseLength: 19, timeout: timeout);

  // Check only 1 card with up to a 7 byte UID is present.
  final int numberOfTagsFound = response[0];
  if (numberOfTagsFound != 1) {
    throw PN532MoreThenOneTagsFoundException();

  final int lengthOfUid = response[5];
  if (lengthOfUid > 7) {
    throw PN532BadResponseException(
      response: response,
      additionalInformation: "Found card with unexpectedly long UID!",

  List<int> uid = response.sublist(6, 6 + lengthOfUid);
  return uid;