OpenAIChatCompletionChoiceModel.fromMap constructor

  1. Map<String, dynamic> json

This is used to convert a Map<String, dynamic> object to a OpenAIChatCompletionChoiceModel object.


factory OpenAIChatCompletionChoiceModel.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
  return OpenAIChatCompletionChoiceModel(
//! Here we use the [int.tryParse] method to convert the [String] to an [int] if it's possible, otherwise we use the [String] value.
    index: json['index'] is int
        ? json['index']
        : int.tryParse(json['index'].toString()) ?? json['index'],
    message: OpenAIChatCompletionChoiceMessageModel.fromMap(json['message']),
    finishReason: json['finish_reason'],